my means of travel / by Achim Tack

Since for well-known reasons larger trips are currently out of the question, I had a look at the modes of transportation I use to get around. Recently I described the change of my mobility patterns due to Corona in a comprehensive evaluation and thought it would be interesting to look back a few years.

In particular, I asked myself which means of transport I use and to what extent. In transport planning, the breakdown of the total volume of movement by individual modes of transport is known as the modal share (or modal split). Based on my Google location data, I calculated my personal modal split over the past few years. I have excluded air travel from the following graphs because I was specifically interested in my everyday mobility and long flights distort the picture too much.

modal share (by trips taken)



Of course, the data is not perfect and probably not all trips are really accurately represented. But it' s easy to see that I like to walk or take the bike and am also a rail commuter. In 2020 and 2021, the proportion of my trips made by bike increased significantly once again.

modal share (by km travelled)



The number of trips is interesting for my general preference of different means of transportation but more interesting for me was the analysis of the covered kilometers. Here it becomes clear once again that for longer distances and daily commuting apart from vacation trips by plane, the train is my main means of transport.

A small side project for a rainy Sunday afternoon in April 2021. What other evaluations would be interesting?
Drop me a mail if you like.